Sunday, July 16, 2017

Review: The Sick House by Ambrose Ibsen

The Sick House by Ambrose Ibsen
The Ulrich Files Series, Book 1
Narrator: Jake Urry
Length: 6 hours 48 minutes
Publisher: Ambrose Ibsen
Genre: Horror
Source: Audiobookworm Promotions

Dr. Siegfried Klein has vanished on a mysterious pilgrimage to an abandoned infirmary in the ghost-town of Moonville. The locals in the surrounding areas are tight-lipped, hostile to outsiders. Local legend has it that the old Sick House is packed with spirits, none of them friendly, and that to set foot in it is to enter Hell itself.

Enter Harlan Ulrich, private investigator and skeptic.

Traveling to the site, the detective begins the long process of separating truth from grisly local myth, and during his investigation stumbles upon certain frightful evidence that tries his nerve. He wants to find the doctor in one piece and weathers                                                                                                                                                    the hostilities of the locals even as their stories keep him up at night. But the longer he spends in the ghost town of Moonville, the more he feels the influence of something sinister in the shuttered infirmary.

When finally, the truth is revealed and the infirmary's sordid past comes to light, will Ulrich manage to escape with his life? Join him as he braves the myth-shadowed unknown and seeks out the missing doctor in The Sick House, a full-length novel of paranormal suspense and horror.

My Thoughts:

I’m sort of going backwards here as I read book three first and now I’m reading book one. Needless to say you can’t judge a book by it’s cover because I was expecting a ton of gore and horror. That was definitely not the case with The Sick House. The characters were well developed and the writing flowed nicely.
Jake Urry did a wonderful job narrating the story. He made it easy to figure out which characters were whom and he played the part correctly. There wasn’t any inconsistency with the background noise or anything either. I really like how he gets into the character and plays the part. It makes it that much better.

Overall, I do recommend The Sick House and I give it five stars.

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