“Since Inception” by T.R. Graves
Vanishing Series, Book 1
Series: Vanishing #1
discovering she has a problem worse than anything she could have ever imagined,
Rainey Billows longs for the past—a time when she thought she was just a
sadistic sleepwalker. Worse yet, this problem has been with her since
Rainey, a
woman who's suffered an entire lifetime of pain and humiliation because of her
sleepwalking, is financially desperate when she takes in Carter Dodson as a
boarder. With his presence in her house and her attraction to him, her internal
conflicts, ones she's usually able to ignore, swim to the surface and take
control. Before she knows it, her sleepwalking moves to a completely new level,
and she's doing things she'd never thought possible.
In fear
for Carter's life and without options, Rainey sentences herself to a nighttime
ritual that would appear barbaric to others. In her mind, it's essential
because, unlike anyone else, she knows firsthand the types of atrocities she's
capable of in her sleep.
Carter, a
man branded as unconditionally loyal by his friends, knows very little about
Rainey but decides early on that she's a woman who has no one… a woman who
needs someone. He commits himself to being that person for her. As soon as she
makes her first request of him—to ignore her and her nighttime rituals no
matter what she says or does—he reconsiders his pledge before quickly reminding
himself he can't abandon her. She's had enough of that.

T. R.
Graves, the author of The Warrior Series and The Secrets Series and The
Underwater Series, is a 2012 NaNoWriMo Winner.
She lives
along the Texas coast with her husband. Together, they raise T. R.'s beta
reading daughter and their football-loving son. Besides being blessed with a
supportive family, she counts her career as a registered nurse in
not-for-profit hospitals high on her list of fulfilling accomplishments.
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